Single login for pollwiki and vote-server

Michael Allan mike at
Wed Sep 12 04:26:31 EDT 2012

Single login for the pollwiki and vote-server is now coded.
Here's a quick tour:

  1.                        (wiki)

     Hit refresh to clear your cache.

     Ensure you are logged out from the wiki.

  2.       (vote-server)

     Ensure you are logged out from the vote-server.

  3.                        (wiki)

     Login to wiki.
     Be sure to click "Remember my login".

  4.       (vote-server)

     Note you are logged in here, too.

  5. Logout from vote-server.

  6.                        (wiki)

     Note you are logged out here, too.

  7.       (vote-server)

     Login to vote-server.
     Be sure to click "Keep me logged in".

  8.                        (wiki)

     Note you are logged in here, too.

  9. Logout from pollwiki.

 10.       (vote-server)

     Refresh. *
     Note you are logged out here, too.

So login and logout can be done from either side.  However, if you
don't persist the login ("Keep me logged in" etc), then you'll be
logged in separately on the two sides, much like before.  And the
previous login facility (OpenID etc) is still available as a config
option for the vote-server admin.

German translations belong here when anyone has time:

This finishes the preliminary work for the mini-beta.  Trials can
probably commence at any time.  The remaining jobs can be lumped with
the larger beta work and prioritized by the users.  (Conseo is coding
a talk track for the stage.  I'll return to stage work, too.)

Please let me know if you see any bugs or other problems.

 * Even if you didn't refresh the vote-server page, you'd still be
   logged out there.  You couldn't patch differences or vote, etc.

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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