[MG] InterMix

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Sun May 22 17:12:31 EDT 2011

Ed Pastore wrote:
> Roger Eaton wrote:
> > So there might be a use for InterMix by metagov on that basis.  I
> > am so sorry it is not ready now, when you are looking for forum
> > software that is also an email list and which can handle multiple
> > groups.
> These are two separate requirements. The list-forum bridge is an
> internal feature request for expanding on the limitations of this
> existing community.  The cross-forum idea is a project well under
> development, and is an outward-looking application.

Yes, outward looking.  Online groups aren't normally hosted on the
same servers, but rather scattered all over the Internet.  So we look
outward.  (In theory too, freedom and consensus require that people
orient themselves outward as well as inward, to include all others.)

> The point of the cross-forum project is that it lets existing communities
> follow their own course, and it only acts to bridge and aggregate them so
> that discussions held in one can have relevance in others (did I explain
> this well, Michael, et al?). ...

Yes, a bridge among community networks that are otherwise separate.
It is also a bridge among disparate media such as discussion, drafting
and voting - though that's looking to be a secondary function.

> ... Does Intermix take this same meta-approach? And if so, might
> there be room for blending these applications in any way?

Roger Eaton wrote:
> InterMix does take the meta-approach to bridging multiple groups,
> but we have only one part time programmer, so there is no spare
> capability on our part to blend the applications in the near term.
> InterMix is written with Ruby on Rails.  If you are also using RoR
> for the metagov cross-forum project, that would make some kind of
> cooperative development easier when we publish the code and go fully
> open source.

GWT/Java for crossforum theatre.  We should be able to cover InterMix
in the same way we cover other discussion media, using standard
Internet protocols and whatever APIs are exposed.

> Eventually InterMix will need an application interface, but that is
> down the road.

We don't absolutely need APIs.  (Correct me if I'm wrong C.)

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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