[MG] Bubble layout

conseo 4consensus at web.de
Sun May 8 12:19:45 EDT 2011

Am Sunday 08 May 2011 schrieb Alexander Praetorius:
> I think avatar icons are better than mnemonics of the username.
> It might also be possible to limit usernames to a certain length in the
> future.
> Next thing is... a username could show onMouseOver.

Yep, this is possible. Ideally we can show details in the mapper though. 

> Did you see my example pictures which did not contain user names, but
> "group names", but this could be changed. Did the usernames really produce
> a lot of screen clutter the way they were presented?

Yep. Your input is helpful. 
> At least we could give it a try ;)
Done: http://whiletaker.homeip.net:8080/voff/crossforum/#c=DG

That is right, I have tried it already and you can still see here (as long as 
mike has not already pulled) http://u.zelea.com/var/deploy/crossforum/#c=DG 
how dominant the user names will be compared to the visualized conversation. 
As you suggested and Thomas agreed, I have added a simple tooltip to the 
mnemonics in the feed for now. Yet, I'd still like to keep the further way 
open here, since the focus of the diff-feed is the difference feed discussion 
and we should visualize both usernames and pollnames there. Therefore (as also 
being discussed on IRC: 
) I have removed all colors, the title and stick to the mnemonics. I hope 
there will be some work for the Geomapper towards area and location specific 
poll mapping and therefore I have drafted ideas for the first prize that way: 


P.S.: The process of drafting in two wikis, one for the position and the other 
one for the draft, is still too complicated. After the social mapper I think 
this is the biggest obstacle of getting interested enthusiasts involved.

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