[MG] Priorities for crossforum theatre

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Sat Feb 26 22:02:00 EST 2011

> > a) When you have time C, please fill in setup instructions for
> >    the diff feed here:
> >    http://zelea.com/project/votorola/a/crossforum/crossforum.xht#diff

conseo wrote:
> [DONE]. Needs polish on the way still.

Thanks C.  I'll pull in the morning, and start in.

> > b) I'll install a chat client (as you suggest) so we can hammer
> >    out issues on #Metagov instead of flooding the list.
> I am waiting ;-)

Done.  I'm logging the channel to here:

It won't be a perfect archive, there'll be occaisional gaps.

> > c) I'll give you SSH access to the reference server as we
> >    discussed, so you can monitor things.  What's your public key?
> Attached.

You should now have access as c at u.zelea.com.  We can sort out groups
and sudo permissions later.
> I am thinking about writing a bot for IRC with
> http://www.jibble.org/pircbot.php which should not only allow us to
> track and log discussions, but also let them show up in Crossforum
> and make IRC usage for other projects a breeze. We need a bot
> anyway...


> I have thought about it and since scoping is done via the Mappers it
> might be nice to have several mappers to scope either with AND or
> with OR. Since we don't want to blow the UI we could lay one main
> Mapper in the background and make the others sth. like Widgets on
> top of it. (e.g. Text search/scope, Time scope, Geographical scope,
> ...)

Yes.  Most likely the extra scopers would be independent of any map.
There'll be some relation, too, between the time scoper and the feed's
scrollbar (assuming it still has one).  Something to think about at
some point.

If the user activates extra scoping, it'll make the URLs longer.

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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