TrackStack mockup help request

conseo 4consensus at
Fri Dec 16 23:46:52 EST 2011


> > The other option is to skip tracklets and simply show the current
> > top one, which we had before for the node itself... Do you think we
> > need the tracklets or is there a compacter visual?
> I guess I asked the wrong question in my last post.  I asked what's
> the purpose of the parent tracklets (top), but the crucial question
> is, "What's the purpose of the child tracklets?"
> The topmost parent (the one you've been designing all along) shows
> progress toward a target of resource accumulation.  It does a good job
> of that.  The basic elements (segmentation, arrows, width) are all
> excellent.  OK.
> Does the progress change as we climb the tree?  Maybe.  It can change
> if the account definition changes and redefines the target, for
> example.  This could happen when climbing from B to A:

No it doesn't. Only the highest candidate (might not be endcandidate) of the 
account defines the target. All other target definitions are subject to 
debate, but not comparable to the "top" target. But this also means that 
highlighted segments become very small compared to the target bar. If you 
select a node without pledges set for the superaccount, it will fallback to 
"Votes". Since this is part of the browser history, the user can simply undo 
this move. That way we can simply model moving around in one SAC.

>>> snip graphics
> But that's no problem.  Your original design can handle that.  No need
> even for a mockup.  So OK, the progress track is fine.  But what were
> those other tracklets showing, if not progress?  And why?
> Maybe try this:
>   1. Paste your simple progress track on top of these mockups:
>      Paste it directly into the SVG.  Paste only the simple track (3
>      strong elements) to avoid noise and confusion.  Show exactly the
>      same track visual at all three levels.
>   2. Let's all look at it.  We'll flip back and forth among the three
>      mockups (up/down tree) and ask, "Is this OK?"

Mmmh, but these mockups are already outdated, aren't they? If I should just 
highlight the active segment, then it would look like this. (1)  Small nodes 
will have a very thin bright (might become colour) marker (likely a default 
minimum of 5 px or so).

The tracklets showed the segmentation of the parent segment on each level.

> I have an idea, nothing definite... and anyway, it can be fun to look
> at a problem before seeing the solutions... and people come up with
> interesting ideas.

Please tell it, because I have the feeling you have something in mind and I 
don't know what it is. This makes mocking up frustrating. 



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