Guided creation of new drafts in the pollwiki

Michael Allan mike at
Mon Dec 5 07:36:01 EST 2011

This is just to report minor code changes in (A) draft creation and
(B) bridge footings.  (Thomas, please see 5.)

(A) The draft creation guide (MyDraft) now includes a preliminary step
for logging into the pollwiki.  This should make the process a little
less confusing for new users.  Again, the test instructions are:

  1. Logout of both pollwiki and vote-server.

  2. Visit a candidate draft, such as Iden's:

  3. Click on 'my' or 'My position'.

  4. Login under an alias, simulating a new user.

     You see 'Create a page', with instructions.

  5. Follow the instructions.

     That gets you a draft page with Iden pinned to it.

    (Thomas, I think you didn't get the pin because you clicked 'my'
     on a poll page.)

Or, for a remote drafting wiki:

  1. Logout of drafting wiki, pollwiki and vote-server (!).

  2. Visit a candidate draft, such as:

     etc. as above

(B) The floating nav controls for the bridge footings are now tinted
slightly for better visibility, as suggested by Benjamin Abrams.

  (hit refresh)

Currently the nav controls are only tested on Firefox and Chrome.  IE
is not yet supported.  Please let me know if there are any problems,

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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