common repository for the project

Michael Allan mike at
Fri Mar 26 06:06:11 EDT 2010

Philippe Schelté wrote:
> In fact to have only one shared tracker we should use only one url
> or
> if you search for Votorola in the bitbucket site we find only my repos
> so there is a kind of hierarchical determination for the repos.
> Bitbucket allow you to get your own tracker, but the main tracker is
> still the first repos that have uploaded the sources.

Now we see both (I guess it just takes time):

> Concerning the ability to assign the issue without explicit
> permissions, this is the same with Launchpad, I think that users of
> this kind of tools have enough deontology to respect each others and
> don't abuse from this right. I know that sounds strange but it
> probably works indeed. Nevertheless assigning needs to have an account
> at least.

(I agree, this is unlikely to be a problem.)  So I guess we'd each
check here now and again, to see if anyone's assigned us new work to

I'm "following"
I want to see new comments, and other changes.  Where do I look?

How does bitbucket compare with other issue trackers/taskers?  Has
anyone looked at alternatives?

Mike Allan

Toronto, +1 647-436-4521

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