(1) Confusing user registration in wiki

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Sun Jul 18 06:29:47 EDT 2010

Thomas von der Elbe wrote:
> If I create an account, then logout again and then login: 1. My
> Firefox automatically fills in the email-field with my username
> (like before)

I can't replicate this, Thomas.  When I go to log back in, my Firefox
offers to fill in the email field with the email address (as
expected), and not with the username.  Can you confirm that it does
the opposite?  It's concievably a cache problem on your end (hit

> 2. After pressing "Login": "Login error You have not specified a valid 
> user name." (but it did work before) - now it really wants the email-adress

Yes, the email field can take only an email address.  It cannot take a
username.  Are you suggesting that we create accounts with the email
field (as now), but still login with a username field (as before)?

> - best would be, if it still worked like before. second best, if the 
> failure-message would speak about mail-adress instead of user-name

I think we can improve the message.  It's probably somewhere in here:

> And another thing: It would be good in the registration to have a 
> message like in the Votorola-login: "your email-adress will be visible 
> to other users"

It's not actually visible because we obfuscate it.  I think it's also
obfuscated everywhere in Votorola, these days.  Maybe we could just
remove the warning from Votorola?

When you register/login to Google by email address, you expect to be
identified by that address.  This is you, for example:
But you were never warned: https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount


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