streetwikibot and streetwikis setup standart

Michael Allan mike at
Mon Jan 25 17:23:02 EST 2010

Thanks Philippe,

I posted it here, temporarily:

> ... you will need those Perl modules installed ...
> Mail::Sendmail (not yet implemented)

(I commented that one out, to avoid having to install it.)

On running, I got the message: "Wide character in print at
./ line 56."  (Line 56 is 'print $xml_file

It seems to have worked, though.  I now have a backup of all pages in
the 'template' namespace.  Questions:

  * Is there a way to also get the pages in the 'property' namespace,
    but without overwriting the previous backup?

  * Can we configure it to backup only the latest revision of each
    page, and not the entire history?

At some point, I guess the wikis will be too big to backup in a single
HTTP fetch.  Then we'll need some kind of caching to avoid
re-exporting pages that haven't changed.  But we don't need that, yet.

This is already useful.  Good work!


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