
Friedrich Lindenberg friedrich at
Thu Dec 3 14:34:56 EST 2009

> I'm totally up for sharing it Martin - that means legally.

I'd love it if we (i.e. the current LD movement in DE and you) could
work something out there. Those names would be great for PR and we
really do need a lot of promotion to gather momentum and mainstream

> That is I'd like to offer up the domains to
> such a collective effort. I'd only insist on a couple of things, or really
> one mainly. That the project would be structured using the legal framework
> I've been developing. That is I want the project to be able to combine both
> the technical / theoretical aspects with an innovative legal framework, that
> facilitates fluid relationships between development partners. I don't want
> to get the whole thing trapped inside some anachronistic legal structure
> with the inevitable emergent characteristics of such an organisation.

That sounds fascinating, do you have any published material on this?
I've been thinking a lot about beginning to write a kind of LD
"constitution" (i.e. community code) similar to the Debian
Constitution ( and Social
Contract that could then be quickly adapted to any specific community
willing to use LD. But it sounds like you have actually begun to
develop something that hacks current law, copyleft style?

> For my part I'd would like to put my efforts into fund raising, and
> promoting on behalf of member projects. This would probably also involve
> building a repository of documentation, video, articles and the professional
> presentation of real world project data, that supports the individual
> efforts of any and all implementations / even if that any attendant cat -
> herding means I get a little scratched from time to time :)

Such a repository is something we're about to start in Germany; maybe
we should do this in an international level instead. The repository
we're planning would be run by LD e.V. (a chartiable legal entity...),
but I think we should at least try to merge these efforts. We're going
to have a telco regarding this on Sunday, would you perhaps care to

Cheers, Friedrich

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