Legitimation in Votorola practice

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Mon Feb 4 23:40:28 EST 2013

I mentioned earlier that we're developing a new practice for Votorola.
I hope to describe it through a kind of *story in pictures* on
Votorola's home page. (There's a fair bit to explain.)  Meantime I'd
like to do an early walkthrough of the practice, or what I can foresee
of it, by applying it to the construction of the home page itself;
bootstrapping it, as Conseo says.

So I'm forming a small group to help draft the plan of the home page,
including a description of the new practice. I'll invite Conseo and
Thomas to join, and maybe others later. (The overall practice will be
wide open, as I hope to explain, but I expect the groups within it
will be somewhat less so; rather more like teams.) The new group's
home page is: http://zelea.com/w/User:Test-62-ZeleaCom/G/p/vohall

As shown, I intend to start with the process of legitimation.  It
appears to be the heart of the practice, though it's amazingly simple
compared to the rest of it. Once it's drafted, I'll post again and
invite critical opposition. It's the one thing an elected assembly
cannot do, and the one thing that's required for legitimacy.

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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