Vote track

Michael Allan mike at
Sun May 27 15:51:51 EDT 2012

A preview of the vote track is now running.  It's not quite functional
but the layout is finished [1].  It differs from the original mockup
[2] in having placeholders for missing nodes.  See it here for

  (you may need to refresh)  (only tested on Firefox and Chrome)

And here.  Note how it detaches when you scroll the draft:

Several more releases are needed to finish it:

   i. Integration with the various scenes.  I hope to code these in
      the next week or so.  The notable ones are:

        * Wicket votespace (first link above)
        * GWT votespace
        * Difference bridge
        * Draft pages (second link, deferred till iii)

  ii. Count corrections.  We'll show the user his/her vote shifts in
      the track immediately, instead of waiting for the next count.

 iii. Integration with draft pages.  This includes:

        * Moving the functionality of the old "bridge footing"
          controls into the vote track, and then removing the old

        * Adding configurable pin ups to the track.  A drafter can
          then specify which other drafters will be pinned to the
          track when his/her draft is viewed.

 [1] The idea of the segmented arrows is C's.  See the acknowledgement:


Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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