Cycles in transitive voting

Michael Allan mike at
Wed Jul 11 14:43:46 EDT 2012

Welcome Peter,

> Basically each row of the transition matrix contains the shares of
> all the votes of a specific voter that he/she gives to each of the
> other voters (including him/herself).  From the transition matrix
> you get the stationary distribution by finding its eigenvalues and
> those eigenvalues are the final distribution of the votes. ...

I guess the transition matrix would have a single row in our case.
Our votes are atomic and cannot be split.  Instead of splitting, they
coalesce and cascade "like raindrops down the branches of a tree". *
This was a deliberate design choice for us because we wanted a
mechanism to enable and encourage consensus.

   Cycles are described at figure 2.

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

Peter Zbornik said:
> Hi Michael,
> just a clarification:
> I wrote:
> > By the way (probably an other topic), one way to allow cycles in
> > delegated votes and still being able to calculate the number of
> > votes of each person is to use the page rank algorithm which google
> > uses:
> >
> You answered:
> Boldi et al. use something similar to Brin and Page's "dampening".
> The vote loses strength as it goes from delegate to delegate.  We have
> a different aproach where the vote is stopped and "held" before it
> can cycle:
> My comment:
> You don't necessarily need to use "dampering".
> In theory you can use the stationary distribution of the Markov
> chain (which is equivalent to setting the dampering constant to one), see
> and .
> Basically each row of the transition matrix contains the shares of all the
> votes of a specific voter that he/she gives to each of the other voters
> (including him/herself).
> From the transition matrix you get the stationary distribution by finding
> its eigenvalues and those eigenvalues are the final distribution of the
> votes.
> I guess the stationary distribution might be thought of as the average
> share of all votes that a voter receives in each turn when the votes are
> delegated.
> Best regards
> Peter Zbotník

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