TrackStack mockup help request

Michael Allan mike at
Mon Oct 17 14:22:37 EDT 2011

Thomas von der Elbe wrote:
> Wow Conseo, thats beautiful!

I agree, the overall design is attractive.  I'll have more comments
after I look at the details, but here I just comment on the center

> > I have moved the avatar/visuals in the "collective eye" in the
> > centre. I have had them in the top left corner of the heads-up
> > display before. What do you think?

> I like, how this way the individual gets the place he/she deserves:
> the center!  Is there anything else, which would be equally
> important to put there? I never pictured it like this before, but I
> think this is best!

It was just vacant space, no plans for it.  I guess the photo would be
uploaded to the streetwiki as a part of voter registration.  Passport
format only, I assume.

There's a problem though.  Intense colours and high brightness in a
photo will wreck the lighting balance in votespace.  It's always a
problem with dark backgrounds.  I know of no solution except switching
to a light background.  There it doesn't matter.  Some costs of this
are a) dev time, b) a slightly less striking visual, and c) more power
consumption on AMOLED mobile devices.  One benefit is that the
resource view (toolbar + track stack) will look better on most
non-theatre pages, such as diff bridge.

But I think we want the photo for sure, because it humanizes things.
Good work C, :-)

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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