TrackStack mockup help request

Michael Allan mike at
Wed Nov 23 08:00:00 EST 2011

Hey compadres,

Thomas wrote:
> I must admit, I have so far not thought much about how an embedded
> view might look and work like. But what you write sounds very good!
> The two questions are to technikal for me, I hope Mike has a good
> answer. ;-)

We skyped yesterday.  Seems C is mostly concerned about a pledge UI
(kind of like a Vote button) for making pledges of money and other
resources.  Currently the pledge UI is the pollwiki, but that probably
won't suffice for beta.  However, the beta design is unlikely to
affect the theatre layout much, so we can defer it till it's needed.

C wrote:
> ... Mike, what have you planned to show in there and what should go
> to left and right caption?

The right caption will probably name the user currently selected in
votespace, while the left caption will be for shared use by other
components (tracks can use it).  The docs were hidden in the UI
template, but I just moved them into Java:

Myself, I'll probably start coding full-time within a few days, and
I'll focus on votespace.  I don't believe we'll ever get alpha users.
To hell with them! :-) Let's just code a beta, and do it fast.

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

Thomas wrote:
> Hi Conseo,
> I must admit, I have so far not thought much about how an embedded view 
> might look and work like. But what you write sounds very good! The two 
> questions are to technikal for me, I hope Mike has a good answer. ;-)

C wrote:
> Hi,
> I have worked on a concept for the shared elements of both Crossforum and the 
> embedded view of it. The embedded view contains both the toolbar and 
> optionally Trackstacks. First I thought that only Crossforum should allow 
> active interaction, while the embedded view would allow only to view different 
> details. I think this is wrong from a users perspective, since the embedded 
> view is likely what new users see first/most included on their familiar 
> websites. Therefore it should allow to pledge/vote without having the rest of 
> Crossforum available. Browsing votespace/geospace/feed communictions... still 
> happens in Crossforum, but this is open to a new user to explore, after s/he 
> is registered (e.g. mail them with additional information and links of 
> Crossforum and concepts in the registration info).
> This also means we need to allow people to register and signup from the 
> embedded view, to allow easy and quick contribution, without understanding the 
> collective voting concepts yet (much like the like-buttons or ways to quickly 
> donate something). They will only learn after that (or if they wish to before 
> as well ofc.) that they continue to drive the process.
> This also gives a good concept of what belongs in the embedded view and what 
> belongs in Crossforum. Basically any user should be able to vote or pledge 
> (=contribute) via the embedded view whenever s/he feels like it on an activist 
> page/blog/social network site etc. This is what draws users in and they will 
> learn on the way. (1) For them it might look like a typical poll.
> For us this also means that we can structure Crossforum in a clear 
> distinction. The toolbar and Trackstacks (resource visualizations) will be 
> shared, because they are relevant for single positions, while certain toolbar 
> actions (for the feed or the mapper (e.g. votespace)) as well as the feed and 
> the mapper only show up in Crossforum. For the embedded view we need the user 
> to browse, visualize and contribute to the resources of the *position* s/he is 
> viewing. So we allow to select the resource, to pledge/vote for that resource 
> (with registration/signup embedded), we allow to show different Trackstacks. 
> The toolbar can also allow to show positions (likely opening Crossforum with 
> the position selected) btw. it doesn't mean we hide the collective voting tool 
> background completely, it is just not elementary.
> We also have to share the HUD, likely best with an OSD-like area showing up 
> below the embedded view on the embedding webpage (it is hidden while 
> interacting with the page and only shows up when you mouseover the Crossforum 
> embedded view.) (2)
> For now this would also mean that interaction with the TrackStacks is not 
> needed. If we allow to interact with them, we can do so to show more 
> information, but voting and pledging as well as other editing actions go to 
> the toolbar. I would stick to the single TrackStack arrow-bar for now and 
> worry about the alternative TrackStack views/interactions when they are needed 
> (e.g. when Crossforum extent is happening or we get a profound sense of 
> consensual history for the history visual).
> Implementation questions:
> (1) We can either do that with a wizard overlay for the whole page, which is 
> aggressive, but easier to layout or we can extend the Ui ribbon-like with an 
> inline wizard taking max. two lines (in TextLabel-height) below the toolbar, 
> above the TrackStacks, always showing up next to the action clicked in the 
> toolbar and hiding after interaction. This allows the user to continue to 
> interact with the page while interacting with Crossforum.
> (2) We can also use another line below everything else (atm. the TrackStacks), 
> extending whenever there is information to show. If we default to some 
> information in the HUD (e.g. Poll/Position information), then this means 
> vertical screen space is stolen and the OSD-like approach is better, avoiding 
> to show that information. We have to specify what the HUD needs to show. Mike, 
> what have you planned to show in there and what should go to left and right 
> caption?
> conseo

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