[MG] Hosting tools - was Global advisory parliament

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Sun May 29 16:34:09 EDT 2011


The tools are for the people who use them, or help to build them.  If
you want usability improvements then either:

  1) Use

  2) Improve

If you don't do one of the above, then you aren't part of the effort
and have no right to complain with such blind persistence and force.
Please refrain from these outbursts, I beg you,

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

Alexander Praetorius wrote:
> No, I did not say I wasn?t interested, but it was too difficult to figure out how to vote for what.
> I also have no opinion on the subject. You could count it as an abstention.
> ...the subject wasn?t important enough to me to invest the time to figure out how to cast my vote, because I was ok with all the proposals that were mentioned in the mailing list.
> @Joe-Average
> You say everyone here would agree on the goal I was talking about... (Joe Average should be able to host the tools for his community)
> But Ed said something else I think. It was also said that skilled IT admins are targeted right now and there are no concrete plans and no top priority to get something done that could be used by Joe Average.
> It would also invite other people to do some coding. It's not motivating to contribute to something that cannot be used, because there is no usable "product" yet.
> Yes, all the theorycrafting and all the details must be talked through and they all should be part of the software, but what's the top priority?
> Is there a list of issues of what to do in which order? Is there a plan?
> Did we get the chance to vote for the priorities of that issues? Can't we use our tools for such a thing?
> Wont it help us to see where improvements might help?
> @Font Size
> Thomas said my font size looks pretty small, is that true?
> --
> Alex
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas von der Elbe [mailto:ThomasvonderElbe at gmx.de] 
> Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2011 9:43 AM
> To: alex at twister11.de; Metagovernment Project
> Subject: Re: [MG] Hosting tools - was Global advisory parliament
> Hi Alex,
> On Sat, 28 May 2011 13:48, Alexander Praetorius wrote:
> > Where is the one-click-installer for joe-average to host his own server for his small community?
> Speaking for Votorola and Crossforum: their developement isnt there yet, 
> but people are working on it. I'm sure we all agree on this goal. If you 
> want to help, you are very welcome! Right now I'd say testing and trying 
> out what works so far is an important thing. And it is for people like 
> you and me, not for joe-average yet. But you said before, you were not 
> interested in the meaningless polls here. Again, just the testing of the 
> tools could be enough incentive already, but I must add, I can not 
> imagine something much more meaningful than defining the rules by which 
> our group organizes itself.
> Thomas

Originally posted to the mailing list of the Metagovernment Project:

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