[MG] Hi & Re: Invitation to Metagovernment project

Wybo Wiersma mail at wybowiersma.net
Wed May 25 19:07:59 EDT 2011

Hi everyone,

I'm here because of an invite by Ed Pastore (though I knew about
Metagovernment before, from the research for my paper (mentioned 
here yesterday)):

I'm very busy at the moment (writing an Oxford MSc thesis over the
summer, and about to start my new job in a few weeks as well, so will
not be able to discuss extensively, let alone do development work or
anything any time soon), but just wanted to say hi, and respond to
some comments already.

Why focus on voting:
- Apart from practical reasons of keeping the paper focussed, it also
  is something that can both conceptually, and in its implementation
  be kept separate.
- Advantage of implementing it as a separate / interoperable app /
  service, is that it can be used in as many different drafting /
  voting / decision situations as possible, limiting fragmentation. 
  It is a core, smallest common denominator.

Why focus on critical mass:
- Because it is the biggest problem facing online communities, and one
  that is often ignored (no, if you build it, they will not come!).
  And without it, nothing but marginalization will ensue.

Why only advisory:
- Because it will provide the best interaction with existing
  institutions, and will be seen as reasonable by the majority. What
  happens after traction has been gained among millions of people 
  and advice is grossly ignored, is up to history. Though personally I
  am not in favour of doing away with any existing democratic

Why global:
- Facebook, the internet, and the most pressing issues are global. In
  addition the democratic deficit is greatest at this level. Also,
  most people will have at least some interest in global issues.



> Hello, Wybo.
> I would like to invite you to join the community of the
> Metagovernment project.
> http://metagovernment.org/wiki/Main_Page
> First, because we have been talking about you:
> http://metagovernment.org/pipermail/start_metagovernment.org/2011-May/003991.html
> but also more generally because I believe you and our community
> could benefit from each other's input. I am myself pressed for time,

- MSc Social Science of the Internet at the University of Oxford
- MA in Digital Humanities at King's College London (w Distinction)
- 3 first class BAs: in Information Science, History and Philosophy

::Free Software and Open Source Developer:
- http://www.LogiLogi.org - Philosophy on-line, discuss your ideas
- http://wybowiersma.net - Wybo Wiersma.net on the WWW

Originally posted to the mailing list of the Metagovernment Project:

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