[MG] Minimal start plan

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Fri May 20 19:47:52 EDT 2011

The technical work is becoming more difficult as we get into the GUI
layers, so I'm concerned to identify the minimal set of tools and
facilities (maybe also social competences and organizational
structures) that we need in order to get started.  So I propose we:
1) make our start plans explicit, 2) critique them for feasibility and
3) deduce the stuff that's needed in order to act.

The stuff we've developed so far is mostly abstract and general in
purpose, but real things never happen that way.  They always start in
a concrete and specific form.  What form?  How do we make it happen?

I'll post a plan of my own separately, but I hope to hear others too.
If we co-ordinate them properly, then we might be able execute on more
than one plan from the same toolset, etc.

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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