[MG] The laconic rule of thumb: scaling the wall of text

Thomas von der Elbe ThomasvonderElbe at gmx.de
Sun May 1 06:26:40 EDT 2011

On Sun, 01 May 2011 1:02, Michael Allan wrote:
> The laconic rule of thumb states:
>    Limit the consensus draft to 10 words per voter.
> So if the end-candidate's draft has a single voter, then it should not
> exceed 10 words.  If 2 voters, then 20 words.  And so on.
> What do you think?

I think, this rule is good for a poll with high participation. But if 
participation is low, why shouldnt 4 people draft a solution together, 
which has 100 words? Why should we wait for others until we really get 
something done?

Ofc, I understand now, it is good, to first find out how participation 
is going to be and not overwhelm the first participants with a wall of 
text already. But at some point, longer waiting makes no sense, does it?


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