[MG] Difference feed setup

conseo 4consensus at web.de
Mon Mar 7 08:03:04 EST 2011

Am Monday 07 March 2011 schrieb Michael Allan:
> Conseo, re your last:
> http://u.zelea.com/var/cache/irc/metagov/11-03/06
> If mstor doesn't use FileLock, you'll probably have to wrap it:
> http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/nio/channels/FileLock.htm
> l Otherwise it isn't safe to read the mbox file, because the MTA may not be
> finished writing it.  Postfix (for example) uses fcntl locks.
> Those are compatible with Java's FileLock, assuming the code actually
> uses it.


> On second thought, I think we're on the wrong track.  We gave up too
> easily on maildir.  Here's another approach:
>     for( each file in 'new' directory )
>     {
>         // all files in here are unseen, of course
>         in = new InputStream( file );
>         message = new javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage( in );
>         process( message ); // parse it to database, or whatever
>         FileX.renameFrom( file, file in 'cur' directory );
>           // move it to 'cur' directory
>     }
> What do you think?  We don't need JavaMail to move local mail files,
> we just move them ourselves.

Ok, sounds good.

This is a helpful idea!

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