[MG] Visualization problems for crossforum theatre

Thomas von der Elbe ThomasvonderElbe at gmx.de
Sun Jan 2 07:43:28 EST 2011

Pietro Speroni di Fenizio wrote:

> Vilfredo is a bit problematic on this, and we have already spoke about this.
> But also in general I think changes happen through the days. Hardly you would be able to see them as they are happening. Unless when you speak about "fading slowly" you mean, along multiple days or weeks.

Yes, the idea was, that the fading could also take weeks or months. The 
fading-rate would be determined by the most active polls ... their blue 
circle would have the maximum size and would be pulsating with the 
highest frequency (one time per event). The less active polls would have 
a comparatively smaller circle and ofc a lower pulsation frequency.


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