Guided creation of new drafts in the pollwiki

Michael Allan mike at
Thu Dec 1 03:15:07 EST 2011

Hey Thomas, this is ready.  To try it out:

  1. Logout of both pollwiki and vote-server.

  2. Visit a candidate draft, such as Iden's:

  3. Click on 'my' or 'My position'.

  4. Login under an alias, simulating a new user.

     You see 'Create a page', with instructions.

  5. Follow the instructions.

     That gets you a draft page with Iden pinned to it.

It's a very simple fix, but it should solve the problem they were
having in the NYC GA forum.  They were basically getting lost before
they could create a position draft.

With this fixed, I think we're good to try again.  What do you think?

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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