[MG] Setting up a prize for completing parts of the technology

Thomas von der Elbe ThomasvonderElbe at gmx.de
Sat Apr 30 08:51:51 EDT 2011

Ok, I opened a poll about the prize. Here is my position in this:



On Tue, 26 Apr 2011 23:16, Michael Allan wrote:
> +1 Matteo, a prize could give us a real boost.
> One possible problem: Setting a specific task might not mesh well with
> free software.  Ordinarily developers are free to do their own thing.
> Maybe the judges (whoever they are) could decide not only the
> recipient of the prize, but also the reason.  (Like with the Nobel
> committee, for example, they don't set a target in advance.)
> A suggestion: Float the award mechanism - the rules about how the
> prize is awarded - as a poll to which everyone is invited.  That way
> the prize money could do double duty, attracting not only developers
> but also users (and with that, possibly more prize money).
> I agree with Thomas, don't restict it to Votorola developers.  I
> wouldn't even restrict it to developers.  There are many ways to help
> - present case in point - and we need good people of all kinds. :-)
> Very promising!
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