[MG] Setting up a prize for completing parts of the technology

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Tue Apr 26 17:16:12 EDT 2011

+1 Matteo, a prize could give us a real boost.

One possible problem: Setting a specific task might not mesh well with
free software.  Ordinarily developers are free to do their own thing.
Maybe the judges (whoever they are) could decide not only the
recipient of the prize, but also the reason.  (Like with the Nobel
committee, for example, they don't set a target in advance.)

A suggestion: Float the award mechanism - the rules about how the
prize is awarded - as a poll to which everyone is invited.  That way
the prize money could do double duty, attracting not only developers
but also users (and with that, possibly more prize money).

I agree with Thomas, don't restict it to Votorola developers.  I
wouldn't even restrict it to developers.  There are many ways to help
- present case in point - and we need good people of all kinds. :-)

Very promising!
Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

Thomas von der Elbe wrote:
> Thank you, Matteo!
> I like this very much!
> Also I would suggest to not limit the scope of the prize to Votorola but 
> also include the Crossforum. And also we should together find out here, 
> what the best task would be to be solved through this prize. I think, 
> its probably better to have several small tasks (and prizes) than one 
> big one. So we could start small and gather experience.
> Thomas
> On Tue, 26 Apr 2011 4:41, Matteo Martini wrote:
> > As discussed with Thomas and Mike, there is the idea of setting up a 
> > prize for third party programmers to complete some parts of  Votorola 
> > and, if successful, claim the prize.
> > I am in favour of this idea, and I would like to try.
> > I think we should have a discussion about how much the prize would 
> > have to be, I am available to help for the cost of putting the prize.
> > Also, the details about the prize should be available in public, so 
> > anyone can see and ask questions on unclear points.
> > Is Mike and/or other programmers available for feedback on the 
> > specifications if asked?
> > Matteo

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