[MG] Votespace social map

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Thu Apr 14 07:20:42 EDT 2011

Thomas von der Elbe wrote:
> And another thought, concerning fixed positions: Since we know
> already, that it doesnt make sense to display more than 20 voters
> per candidate, how if we define 20 fixed positions, which get filled
> up with voters as they grow in number. And not sort them by votes,
> each keeps his position until he shifts his vote. Then someone else
> takes his place...

Applying this idea [1], here's a revised mockup.[2]  First the forest:
The feed here will be scoped down to a single poll.

Clicking on an end-candidate (An.), you to start climb a tree:
The feed is simultaneously scoped to that tree.

Click on a delegate (Fr.) to climb further, scoping down to his/her
branch: http://zelea.com/project/votorola/a/crossforum/vote/_/3.xht

Note that a given voter (say Ev.) always keeps the same position in
the votespace plane (a little east-southeast of center), provided that
neither he nor his candidates shift their votes.

If it's roughly right, we can start coding it.  What do you think?

[1] A poster in #metagov (The User) came up with a similar idea.

    In addition, he suggested reserving abandoned slots in case their
    voters return.  If we assign the slot based on a hash of the vote
    name, and use a deterministic collision avoidance mechanism (such
    as clockwise walk) in cases where the hashed slot is taken, then
    it should (in most cases) have the effect of reserving the slot.

    It will also have the effect of tending to place a given voter in
    the same slot for every vote.  So if he's slotted 5 for his vote
    in poll X/p/a, then he'll probably be slotted 5 in X/p/b.

[2] Current SVG source is here:

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528
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