[MG] Ease of entry

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Tue Apr 5 08:24:40 EDT 2011

Thomas von der Elbe wrote:
> But you want to keep the footings in the drafting medium anyway,
> dont you? I do. And if yes, I'd like it as conviniant as
> possible. Default would be the tool-menue open (nobody needs the
> left wiki-menue anyway) so almost no added complexity. Its not a
> top-priority, but I imagined it to be relly easy to do.

I don't mean to dismiss your proposal, especially not lightly.  To
explain why I think it's not easy and to debate the alternatives will
take energy.  I need to understand the problem behind the proposal
that motivates it, so I can gauge its importance.  Although we
urgently need 2-3 alpha users, and for that reason I'm mostly
interested in problems related to participation, it's not an
*exclusive* interest.  We can discuss other problems, too.  But in
this case, what is the particular problem?

> ... after I browsed through all the different footprints (through
> hovering) and then wanted to get rid of them again and look at the
> original text ... the text of 4c. Its very intuitive to click on 4c
> if I want to see 4c.

Is there is a problem here, too?  Are you saying it's difficult to get
rid of a footprint, once displayed?
If you click on T4, it shows a footprint.  To remove the footprint,

  * Click again on T4.
  * Press the back button.
  * Press the backspace key.

Ideally we code each piece of the UI to a bare minimum of
functionality, then we move on.  We don't stop to decorate it, because
tomorrow it may be thrown away.  We're in a prototyping effort.  We
must not assume that any piece of the prototype will survive the final
cut.  It rarely does.  All of the value is in the technology gained
(the logos), and most of it is gained by throwing away the pieces that
don't work.

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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