[MG] Votespace social map

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Tue Apr 12 04:32:38 EDT 2011

Here's a mock-up of the proposed design:
It's equivalent to this:
Except only a single tree is shown (the one rooted at
Test-a-ZeleaCom), and the usernames were altered to make the graph
more realistic.

The radial layout is Thomas's idea.  The angle for each voter will be
calculated from an alphabetical hash of the username (poorly simulated
here by random numbers).  So if a voter withdrew his vote, then he'd
vanish from the tree, but there'd be no other effect on the vote
structure.  This kind of stability is required in order to support
rapid animation across historical vote structures, e.g. when sliding
time controls backward and foreward.

You'll be able to explore by clicking on nodes and climbing the
branches.  I'll draw that next.  But I just wanted to float this first
to see if anyone has comments.

Myself, I'm starting to think that the inverse video in the theatre
app could be a mistake.  It could cause us trouble in future: hard on
the eyes; hard to ensure that a faded background graphic is still
visible across all hardware.

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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