(1) Confusing user registration in wiki

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Fri Jul 9 16:02:27 EDT 2010

So everyone agrees this is problem #1:
Two solutions are:

 A. Getting rid of the Username field, because it's redundant with the
    E-mail field.  (Thomas proposed this).  I could do it as a proper
    MediaWiki extension, so other pollwiki admins can easily duplicate
    our setup.

    (a week, low risk)

 B. Single sign-on for the pollwiki and all pollservers (etc) that
    service it, in the local cluster.

    (several weeks, somewhat risky)

B is maybe the ideal solution, but harder to code.  I want to defer B,
because we don't need the convenience of single sign yet.  We don't
need a lot of casual users, at this stage, only the hardcore type.
And the perpetual sign-on thing ("keep me logged in") is good enough
for them.  So I vote for A, as a stopgap.

Are there other proposals or ideas?  (While we're discussing that, I
can work on a design proposal for problem #2.  It's more complicated.)

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 647-436-4521

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