web interface - poll/subserver for student elections

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Thu Mar 26 16:04:49 EDT 2009

> I had taken a break but now am back to school, but hope i wont take much of
> your time. Am not that good in perl so i wanted your help in customizing
> vox-voters script like this:
>  Get like 100 voters in and register their residences.
>  Have three candidates from which the voters will vote for.

Any scripting language is OK.  Try a simple BASH script for

  voter v01 at domain.dom REGISTER set residence 150 Main Street
  voter v02 at domain.dom REGISTER set residence 150 Main Street
  voter v99 at domain.dom REGISTER set residence 150 Main Street
And another to cast the votes:

  voter v01 at domain.dom POLL vote c1 at domain.dom
  voter v02 at domain.dom POLL vote c1 at domain.dom
  voter v34 at domain.dom POLL vote c2 at domain.dom
  voter v35 at domain.dom POLL vote c2 at domain.dom

If you need a deep cascade, you'll have to add a loop, and some logic.

Or use vox-voters-abc, mentioned here:

(Or wait a day or two.  I'll post an improved version of vox-voters,
 one that's easier to customize.)

> Afterward i want to show the election results.  I seem to get this
> 'The latest count is temporarily inaccessible' message.Maybe you can
> point me to the right direction on how to this...

  voter v01 at domain.dom POLL vote c1 at domain.dom

  vox-count POLL

These vox-scripts should work for you:

(Future releases will come bundled with scripts, and working examples
 of config.)

> ...how did you fix the maps on the WP_Meta.preTitle.html. I have my
> own from my town which i want to place there but changing src='' tag
> to point elsewhere leaves my browser showing alt text. How can i
> style the pages more?

<img src='URL'/> - What's the URL?  It needs to be accessible by the

> Delegate cascade mechanism is a pretty new idea where i come from but am
> liking the sound of it. I have to say, thats a theory page you got. Why are
> there so many democracy projects in Australia and Canada? Just wondering.

Not sure.  I guess it's the local sites that matter most.  Every
installation is an independent project.  Some admins will have an
easier time of it, depending on their location.  But if they help each
other, they'll often be talking across borders.  I see that as a core
strength.  (Likewise if the voters help each other.)

Michael Allan

Toronto, 647-436-4521

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