Not direct democracy, not the rule of the people

Michael Allan mike at
Sun Jun 28 16:23:14 EDT 2009

Hi Fred,

Your concern dovetails with our earlier discussion elsewhere, so maybe
we can consider both together.  It centers on people who are
uncommitted on a particular issue, either because they are unaware of
it, or because they have yet to form an opinion.

Can you give a specific example of how this can be a problem?  You may
assume that a whole city has access to primary voting facilities (a la
Votorola) and that anyone is free to raise an issue at any time, and
that others are free to vote on it and perhaps to reach consensus on
it.  What is the exact problem?  (If it's an idealogue, tell us who he
is and exactly how his actions come to harm people.)

Michael Allan

Toronto, 647-436-4521

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