Registration framework

Friedrich Lindenberg friedrich at
Fri Dec 4 10:21:39 EST 2009

> Just to check - I'd researched the specifications, but your saying that most
> of the recent libraries actually support this in implementation? Would be
> good to see what languages etc implementations that supported attribute
> exchange were available in.

This is from my ad-hoc testing: yes, as far as they implement OpenID
2.0. This means Google, Yahoo, Versign etc. do it (but I doubt they'll
add LD Schema) but also most of the open-source things I've seen use
it at this stage. This includes the the language bindings I've checked
(Java, Ruby, Python, PHP) and many providers, including Drupal
( Some OpenID providers
actually allow you to specify your own AX attributes (Versign used to
do this but now has turned user-friendly ;-).

Friedrich Lindenberg <friedrich at>

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