Registration framework

Michael Allan mike at
Fri Dec 4 03:21:31 EST 2009

David Bovill wrote:
> Not clear what the registration-facility is about? What is the realtion to
> this and oAuth openID? Are you including geographic location, and/or real
> world political voting constituencies, in addition to pseudo-anonymous
> authentication?

Hopefully it will cover all those.  It should really be open to any
form of personal ID (OpenID, email address), any type of registration
property (residential, organizational) and any authentication method
(authority, biometric, trust network).

Here's where I think we are: We already have two designs (Votorola's
and Pirate's) but neither is general enough to serve as common ground.
The problem is as Friedrich says: we need something that all aircraft
can safely land on, without dictating propeller sizes in advance. :-)

So my own thinking is: be silent on what registration entails (leave
that to registrar).  Registrations are generic data in opaque
containers.  All we define are the requirements for moving containers
from place to place.  (Just requirements to start, no design.)  The
use cases are still kind of spotty - need to flesh those out:

I'm not really comfortable drafting this, on my own.  I just wanted to
get something passable (?) out into the open where everyone could see
it, and where problems could get aired.

Best to all,
Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 647-436-4521

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