Hi,<br>I have decided to install Tomcat from the compressed bundle, and not the one from Ubuntu repositories which has a myriad of issues. The one am using is located in /usr/local/tomcat and has no configuration files in /etc. Heres the directory listing.<br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;"><br><b>demichild:~$ ls /usr/local/tomcat/</b><br>bin conf lib LICENSE logs NOTICE RELEASE-NOTES RUNNING.txt temp webapps work<br><b>demichild:~$ ls /usr/local/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost</b>/<br>
_ docs examples host-manager maina.xml manager<br><br></div>I have done some trial and error and placed the server-name.xml (maina.xml) file in the <b>work</b> directory . With this setup am still getting no love from the server. Is this where is should place the file ? How should i go about this as there is no /etc/tomcat6 directory. Sorry for being nagging but if i can get past this, i'm home bound.<br><br>