(SMVcon) Developers cooperating with AG Meinungsfindungstool

Alexander Praetorius citizen at serapath.de
Wed Mar 6 03:35:01 EST 2013

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Michael Allan <mike at zelea.com> wrote:

> Frauke and Alex,
> Frauke said:
> > The first question must be: in which case is it necessary to bring
> > different tools together and why?
> >
> > If you can answer this question, we can go on.
> We answered this already.  Cooperation is necessary in order to level
> the playing field among platforms, prevent the formation of a de-facto
> monopoly, and thus maintain the user's freedom of choice.  (See also
> the German translation below.)
> Alex said:
> > I'm ALL IN on (1), and I think that's what the "Ontology" is all
> > about. Its a way to map one plattform onto another, ... where
> > plattform is called a plugin when it comes to AG
> > Meinungsfindungstool.  But as mentioned in discussions way earlier,
> > these plugins do not necessarily plug into something, but instead
> > into each other, ...which means a plugin is just a plattform that
> > uses ontologies for "Vote mirroring" :-)
> Yes, it could be.  Let's see if the AGM engineers agree about (1) in
> regard to all platforms, including non-AGM platforms such as Votorola.
> Unfortunately they're confronted with a language barrier owing to my
> lack of German.  Here's a Google translation:
>    Wir müssen in dieser Frage klar.  Eine Plattform kann nicht ohne
>    Erfolg Benutzer.  Es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten, um die Benutzer zu
>    erhalten:
>      (1) Beseitigen Sie die Netzwerk-Effekte zwischen den Plattformen,
>          so Einebnung des Spielfeldes und ermöglicht den Benutzern,
>          reichen frei von Plattform zu Plattform.
>          Dies ist der richtige Weg.
>      (2) auf Netzwerk-Effekte Vertrauen, um alle Benutzer auf die
>          eigene Kraft Plattform und schafft so als einer
>          de-facto-Monopol.
>          Dies ist schädlich und unnötig und daher fehlerhaft.
>    Dies sind die einzigen Möglichkeiten. Es gibt keine Grauzonen
>    dazwischen.  wenn Unsere Wahl ist nicht (1), dann ist es (2), und
>    kein verantwortlicher Ingenieur wird mit uns zusammenzuarbeiten.
>    Stattdessen wird er auf die Gefahr hinweisen und warnen uns nicht
>    weiter zu verfolgen.
>    (1) oder (2)?  Was sollen wir tun?
> I hope that makes sense.  If not, please correct the translation
> errors.  Here's the original English:

translation below

>    We must be clear on this issue.  A platform cannot succeed without
>    users.  There are two ways to obtain those users:

>      (1) Eliminate the network effects between platforms, thus
>          leveling the playing field and enabling the users to range
>          freely from platform to platform.
>          This is the right way.
>      (2) Rely on network effects to force all users onto our own
>          platform, thus establishing it as a de-facto monopoly.
>          This is harmful and unnecessary, and therefore wrong.
>    These are the only ways.  There are no grey areas in between.  If
>    our choice is not (1), then it is (2), and no responsible engineer
>    will cooperate with us.  Instead he'll point to the danger and warn
>    us not to proceed.
>    (1) or (2)?  What should we do?
> Let's wait for the answer, as cooperation necessarily depends on it.

"Wir müssen uns darüber klar werden: Eine Plattform kann ohne Benutzer
nicht erfolgreich sein.
Es gibt nur zwei Wege Nutzer zu bekommen:

(1) Den Netzeffekt zwischen Plattformen beseitigen, also gleiche
Wettbewerbsbedingungen schaffen und Nutzern ermöglichen die Plattform
jederzeit zu wechseln.
=> Das ist der richtige Weg.

(2) Sich auf Netzeffekte verlassen um alle Nutzer auf die eigene Plattform
zu zwingen, also ein de facto Monopol zu errichten.
=> Das ist schädlich und unnötig und deshalb falsch.

Diese beiden Wege sind die einzigen Wege. Es gibt keine Kompromisse
zwischen diesen beiden Alternativen. Wenn wir uns nicht für Weg (1)
entscheiden, dann entscheiden wir uns für Weg (2) und kein
verantwortungsvoller Ingenieur wird dann mit uns zusammenarbeiten. Statt
dessen wird ein solcher uns auf die Gefahren hinweisen und uns davor warnen
weiter zu machen.

(1) oder (2)? Was sollten wir tun?

Lasst uns die Antwort abwarten, denn eine Kooperation hängt
notwendigerweise davon ab.

> Mike
> Frauke Mattfeldt said:
> > I think all these things are just bla bla as long as there is no common
> > concept and no framework, which means: no common vision (theoretically)
> > and regarding the technical side: no framework or ontology which mirrors
> > this vision.
> > All the stuff here is just bla bla.
> >
> > Most of the tools which are currently developed are more or less focused
> > on specialized fields of application.
> > This is ok. But if so, there is no need to bring them all together.
> >
> > The first question must be: in which case is it necessary to bring
> > different tools together and why?
> >
> > If you can answer this question, we can go on.
> >
> > If you want to have different tools which fit into one framework /
> > ontology, you need to develope the ontology first. Afterwards you can
> > develope different tools which adapt to that framework.
> >
> > But:
> > For me it seems to be more dangerous to have one big database with an
> > API and many tools which are connected to this centralized database,
> > than to have one (open source) tool which can be run on different
> > servers with many databases and exchange the data between the different
> > servers via an API on every of these servers.
> >
> > If you once have this kind of network, it would be possible as well to
> > create different tools -> they just need a suitable API in this case.
> >
> > Anyhow, the framework is the first thing which has to be developed. As
> > long as the framework is not there, you can just try to merge different
> > tools regarding their functionalities if they complement one another.
> Alexander Praetorius said:
> > I'm ALL IN on (1), and I think that's what the "Ontology" is all about.
> Its
> > a way to map one plattform onto another, ... where plattform is called a
> > plugin when it comes to AG Meinungsfindungstool.
> > But as mentioned in discussions way earlier, these plugins do not
> > necessarily plug into something, but instead into each other, ...which
> > means a plugin is just a plattform that uses ontologies for "Vote
> > mirroring" :-)
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Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Alexander Praetorius
Rappstraße 13
D - 60318 Frankfurt am Main
*[skype] *alexander.praetorius
*[mail] *citizen at serapath.de <alexander.praetorius at serapath.de>
*[web] *http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Benutzer:Serapath
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