Pirate Party - Meinungsfindungstool working group

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Sun Sep 23 11:51:22 EDT 2012

Hi Alex,

Thanks for passing on the invitation.  I'd love to join the discussion
in person, but my lack of German is a barrier.

I put the docs through google translate.  Purpose-wise it looks like
the tool is aimed at supporting discussion.  So it would be similar to
Votorola in that regard.  Maybe the biggest difference is they don't
see the support coming from the voting structure mainly, but from some
kind of formalized argumentation.

They're looking at an open component architecture, so I guess it would
be more-or-less comparable to Outcast.  But Outcast is a network
architecture composed of facilities spread across the Internet, where
each user is free to compose his/her own personal solution from
competing providers.  Maybe they're looking at something different.

I'm now on the LiquidFeedback list, which is in English.  But I don't
know if they discuss Meinungsfindungstool there.

Mike Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

Alexander Praetorius said:
> Hi Mike, Hi Conseo, Hi Thomas,
> the pirate party in germany, the working group "Meinungsfindungstool" (AG
> Meinungsfindungstool) in particular, would like to invite developers to
> present their projects. Votorola is one of them and because they are
> currently thinking about the development of a general discussion and voting
> framework, where plugins can be added later on...
> http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/wiki/images/3/30/DSFS-ConceptualOverview-A.jpg
> http://meinungsfindungstool.piratenpad.de/Anforderungsanalyse-Grundidee
> ... it could be helpful if OVN, and one participant also mentioned FGA
> (Federal General Assembly), could be explained to them.
> Would one of you be willing to do this?
> The working group wants to invite many different developer teams from
> different projects in order to get some insight what project already exist
> and which approach they are using.
> best regards
> alex

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