Talk track filtering

Michael Allan mike at
Thu Oct 25 03:48:08 EDT 2012

> ... Rather I have a state table in mind, which shows how a track is
> supposed to react. ...

Tracks are mostly free to make their own staging choices.  There are
very few general (cross-track) staging rules to doc.  The only new
ones are the diff filtering rules we agreed to in the top post.  I'll
doc those once we see it working.  (I have this thread flagged for
that purpose.)  Maybe a table is a good format, as you suggest.  But
in the meantime, this thread is our only doc.

> > First, don't do anything unless you must.  For example, what do
> > you mean by an EMPTY message?  Why is it necessary to stage it?
> An element of the talk-track, a diff-message, is a tupel and
> selected together by the track. If the difference is deselected the
> message will no longer correspond to the difference and should be
> deselected imo.

By EMPTY, you mean null.  I agree, sometimes you'll want to clear a
message from the stage.

> Agreed, but when the staged page is also relevant we have a lot of
> states, not only for the change in each property, but combinations
> thereof. You said that the difference should have a selectand
> dependant on the staged page, e.g.  bridge or default...

No, I retract that (and apologize for it).  Let's not worry about
selectands for now.  Let's wait and see what happens.

> I am fiddeling with mailman to make it send messages through
> postfix. I have created Mann/p/sandkasten with vosim-40k already,
> but got stuck at mailman for a german Votorola list.

OK, no rush.  I run Mailman + Postfix too.  Ping me if I can help.

It's nice to think of all this stuff (quite a bit really) running
independently on your site.  :-)


conseo said:
> Michael Allan wrote:
> > conseo said:
> > > Ok, I need to look into how I react on a new difference staged. I
> > > guess I should:
> > > 1. Light all messages related to that difference, (will implement
> > > later)
> > > 2. deselect the message item in the talk track and set a default
> > > EMPTY message on stage if the message still fits the talk-track
> > > selection. (this is not very clean) (?) Maybe we should model the
> > > state changes of the stage and define how each track responds to
> > > each stage state transition?
> > 
> > That wouldn't easily scale, too brittle.  It was a deliberate design
> > choice to make the stage blind to the tracks.  Some suggestions:
> I haven't meant to code anything, let alone exposing state of the tracks. 
> Rather I have a state table in mind, which shows how a track is supposed to 
> react. We can then easily track whether tracks miss some stage state 
> transitions. See also below...
> Example:
> Page + Selection		Transition		Track-Reaction...
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> on-Bridge: nothing ---difference staged--> Highlight all messages of \
> difference + deselect previous message...
> This can be done in a state diagram as well, but a (large) table would be 
> compacter.
> While the stage does not know about the tracks, as far as I have understood 
> you, the talk-track should know on which page it is staged (part of the stage 
> state to me).
> > 
> > First, don't do anything unless you must.  For example, what do you
> > mean by an EMPTY message?  Why is it necessary to stage it?
> An element of the talk-track, a diff-message, is a tupel and selected together 
> by the track. If the difference is deselected the message will no longer 
> correspond to the difference and should be deselected imo.
> > 
> > Second, to be sure, the stage is your selection model (I think you
> > agree).  "Selected" means "staged".  So just ensure the view obeys the
> > model and never shows something as being staged when it is not.  If in
> > doubt, it's always OK to show nothing as staged.  No great harm can
> > come of that.
> Agreed, but when the staged page is also relevant we have a lot of states, not 
> only for the change in each property, but combinations thereof. You said that 
> the difference should have a selectand dependant on the staged page, e.g. 
> bridge or default...
> > 
> > You migh release it at that point.  If there are problems, we can
> > point to them and discuss what to do.  (I'm keen to see it
> > running. :-)
> I am fiddeling with mailman to make it send messages through postfix. I have 
> created Mann/p/sandkasten with vosim-40k already, but got stuck at mailman for 
> a german Votorola list.
> > 
> > Earlier you said:
> > > Wouldn't it be easier to handle all this [selectand twiddling] when
> > > I call Stage.i().setDifference(someKey)? I feel a bit lost how this
> > > belongs in the TalkTrack. ...
> > 
> > Probably the link track should swallow that bit of complexity.  (Maybe
> > it should swallow the whole selectand business, period... not sure.)
> > Let's wait though, and see how ugly it looks.
> Ok. I would like to have clear state definitions though, where we already know 
> them and mark all other state transitions as none for now.
> conseo

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