Mini-beta and redesign of Crossforum Theatre

Thomas von der Elbe ThomasvonderElbe at
Sun Apr 22 04:33:56 EDT 2012

On Sun, 22 Apr 2012 1:01, Michael Allan wrote:
> The Wicket count pages (votespace and rank) are now on stage:

Beautiful! Finally the thing, which really binds all the parts together. 
Imagining it is one thing, but to see it in action and play around with 
it is a lot more (at least for me). :-)

One thing: on a position page imo the name of the author is not 
prominent enough. It is even hard to tell, that you are on a position 
page and not the poll-page. If the author has no account in the wiki it 
is almost invisible. And if he has one, he only appears in a very small 
size below the page-title. Therefore the username in the top-right of 
the new trackbar gets the attention but it is sometimes the name of 
another author (to whom the current draft is compared to) ---> 
confusion. Now how to have a title in the track? The poll-name shows up 
there already. How to make it a really clear title like: Poll: 
G/p/sandbox | Author: ThomasvonderElbe? And maybe even further to have 
it say in votespace: Poll: G/p/sandbox | Votespace? And in the 
diffbridge: Poll: G/p/sandbox | Diff-Bridge?

Mike wrote about mini-votespace:

> One thing that *doesn't* seem to work in the embedded context of
> drafts and differences, where its afloat in a sea of text, is more
> text:
>           Li. Cs. Ro. Wi.  -->   Ge. Ol. Ev. Tr. Kr. Ly.  -->   Fr.
>                                             Am. Sa. Cu.
> I think we need pure graphics.  If we could distill the essense of
> this and
> transfer it to the drafts and difference bridge, that would be ideal.
> The overlapping radials make beautiful use of space.  One glance and
> you know where you are in the tree.

But how could you in a minivotespace without names, know who is who? 
Just by the position of the symbol in the circle? I don't think this is 
clear enough. Or what do you have in mind?


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