Harvester Roadmap

conseo 4consensus at web.de
Wed Apr 18 15:38:14 EDT 2012

Hey M,

I need some help.

Ok, the following columns are clear so far:

id serial primary key,
author character varying, 
poll_name character varying,
summary character varying,
diff_key integer array[4],
base_url character varying,
url character varying,
sent_ts timestamp with time zone,
parsed_ts timestamp with time zone

votorola.a.diff.harvest.Message.sender() is not the
same like author, because it refers to the nick in the
archive. Author is the mailish-username only parsed if it is proven to be a 
valid diff message. 

Now my problem is, should I add

addressee character varying,
author_is_candidate boolean

which is in fact also present in the difference information. It is needed for 
the feed to properly function (the below-bubble-mnemonic order) or should I 
parse this in the servlet (bad performance wise as we need another query for 
the difference on *each* request) or fetch completely separate in the client 
and cache there (the difference information for each key it deals with). 

Is it ok to add them?

"hUser" parameter in HarvestWAP would query both addressee and author.


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