[MG] Hi & Re: Invitation to Metagovernment project

Thomas von der Elbe ThomasvonderElbe at gmx.de
Thu May 26 05:34:33 EDT 2011

Hi Wybo,

welcome to our list! ;-)


On Thu, 26 May 2011 1:07, Wybo Wiersma wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm here because of an invite by Ed Pastore (though I knew about
> Metagovernment before, from the research for my paper (mentioned
> here yesterday)):
> http://wybowiersma.net/pub/essays/Wiersma,Wybo,A_global_advisory_parliament_integrated_with_the_social_web.pdf
> I'm very busy at the moment (writing an Oxford MSc thesis over the
> summer, and about to start my new job in a few weeks as well, so will
> not be able to discuss extensively, let alone do development work or
> anything any time soon), but just wanted to say hi, and respond to
> some comments already.
> Why focus on voting:
> - Apart from practical reasons of keeping the paper focussed, it also
>    is something that can both conceptually, and in its implementation
>    be kept separate.
> - Advantage of implementing it as a separate / interoperable app /
>    service, is that it can be used in as many different drafting /
>    voting / decision situations as possible, limiting fragmentation.
>    It is a core, smallest common denominator.
> Why focus on critical mass:
> - Because it is the biggest problem facing online communities, and one
>    that is often ignored (no, if you build it, they will not come!).
>    And without it, nothing but marginalization will ensue.
> Why only advisory:
> - Because it will provide the best interaction with existing
>    institutions, and will be seen as reasonable by the majority. What
>    happens after traction has been gained among millions of people
>    and advice is grossly ignored, is up to history. Though personally I
>    am not in favour of doing away with any existing democratic
>    institutions.
> Why global:
> - Facebook, the internet, and the most pressing issues are global. In
>    addition the democratic deficit is greatest at this level. Also,
>    most people will have at least some interest in global issues.
> Sincerely,
> Wybo
>> Hello, Wybo.
>> I would like to invite you to join the community of the
>> Metagovernment project.
>> http://metagovernment.org/wiki/Main_Page
>> First, because we have been talking about you:
>> http://metagovernment.org/pipermail/start_metagovernment.org/2011-May/003991.html
>> but also more generally because I believe you and our community
>> could benefit from each other's input. I am myself pressed for time,
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