[MG] Setting up a prize - try a vote cycle?

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Tue May 3 23:25:59 EDT 2011

A possible experiment: I just voted for Matteo:
If Thomas votes for me, then we'll have a cycle of 3 candidates.  For
the cycle to hold together, the candidates would have to obey these
rules of thumb:

 1. a) Never withdraw your vote (unvote).
    b) If your candidate breaks rule 1a, then vote around him.
    c) If your candidate breaks rule 1b, then vote around him.

What would happen, do you think?

Here's how vote cycles work: the pair of diagrams below shows a cycle
of 6 candidates (C-H) with 2 outside voters (V,W).  Vote flow is
clockwise.  The total number of votes cast is 8.  Each candidate
receives 7 votes, which is one less than the total cast.  He does not
receive his own vote.

  (V)---(C)             (0)---(7)
      /     \   (W)         /     \   (0)
    (H)     (D) /         (7)     (7) /      |
     |       | /           |       | /       | vote flow
    (G)     (E)           (7)     (7)        V
      \     /               \     /
        (F)                   (7)

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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