[MG] Clearing entry paths for new users - bridge footings in the wiki

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Fri Mar 18 04:03:47 EDT 2011

A quick update.  Here's a rough, first cut of the multi-differencing:

  (hit refresh to clear the old styles)

What's new are the difference swatches under the top-left logo.  Scan
across them with your mouse and you'll see the difference footprints
flash in the text.

  D9. D1. D8. D3. D10.
  D7. D4. D6. D0. D2.

The labelling and layout isn't finished, and there are still more
controls to add.  It'll take a few more days.  But all the difficult
stuff is done.

Tech notes: The script has more info:
Here's the query it makes to the server:
And the server's API for this:

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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