[MG] Social mapping in crossforum theatre

Thomas von der Elbe ThomasvonderElbe at gmx.de
Fri Jan 28 07:03:47 EST 2011

On Fri, 28 Jan 2011 6:32, Michael Allan wrote:

> There's a larger problem, though.  How to do this in cross-project
> fashion?  We want the theatre app to remain open and inviting to all
> projects.  But unlike the dynamics (or more so), the structural
> aspects of consensus and governance are closely tied to particular
> mechanisms of voting and promulgation.  That means that any structural
> map we code is going to be tied to a particular vote-server [4].  How
> can we get around this?

I understand your distinction between structural and dynamic. But then 
there is the zoom. I feel, that our current geographical map is also a 
structural, just very far zoomed out. The same applies to the issue 
based, tag-cloud-like map, doesnt it?

And the deeper you zoom in, the more tool-specific the structure gets. 
Now you talk about the point, where you have zoomed in to the level of a 
single poll, right? Here we want to somehow show as much as possible 
from all the tools who agreed on having relevant data to this poll. 
(This agreement "we all are working/voting on the same subject" is imo 
already somehow tricky.)

But if they agree, what do they all have in common? Please correct me!

- They all have proposals and votes for it.
- Some will have their votes structured in delegation trees, others not.
- Some of the delegetions will be from within this poll, some will be 
across several polls (e.g. all environmental polls).
- Some will have the proposals structured in parents and children, e.g. 
Aktiv Demokrati
- Some tools, e.g. Vilfredo, will have different phases like drafting, 
voting, ...

I feel all of that could be displayed in a forest of trees 
(delegation-tools) and bushes (non-delegation-tools).

Questions are:

1. At what point does the user have to leave the theatre to get directed 
to his specific vote-server?

2. Are there cases/tools, where he maybe not have to leave the theatre 
at all? If we allow voting itself in the theatre, then it might be 
sufficient in these cases if just his vote (but not he himself) is being 
transferred to these tools. (This must ofc be supported by these remote 

3. If he has to leave the theatre, does he even realize that he is 
changing places or does he not, because the transition is so smooth?


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