[MG] Mapping Participation in Drupal

Ed Pastore epastore at metagovernment.org
Tue Jan 18 08:01:53 EST 2011

I have to admit that I've been struggling to follow this thread. Long  
posts with lots of technical detail are practically the ultimate walls  
of text. :) Perhaps when the thread seems to be concluding, someone  
could post a high-level, non-technical summary of some of its findings?

On Jan 17, 2011, at 10:10 AM, conseo wrote:

>> I followed up on http://unhosted.org which you might find  
>> interesting.
>> Moves data processing back to the "edge" on the desktop.
> This is really cool, thanks for the link! kio-magnet imo still goes  
> a bit
> further because you don't even need a server anymore, not even for  
> storing
> JSON data, as you can store it in a BitTorrent swarm

This part blew me away. I have about seven minutes left for metagov- 
related stuff this morning, so can't delve into these, but they look  

However, am I right in understanding that this distributed hosting  
approach couldn't be applied to, say, MediaWiki? The software needs to  
be written to the hosting model from the ground-up, right? Or can it  
be adapted (I am of course, thinking of the metagovernment.org site  

In any event, I do want to encourage anything along these lines for  
all democracy software... anything that can remove single points of  
failure (where one kind of failure is corruption) is always preferable.

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