[MG] Decorating the bite feed - coding plan

Alex Rollin alex.rollin at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 19:23:26 EST 2011

On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 12:20 AM, conseo <4consensus at web.de> wrote:
> http://afghanistanelectiondata.org/election/2009/data/
> Is the software behind this site completely open?
> It would also prove that we really implement "cross"-forum in a very nice
> example.

It is all GPL, as far as I know.  Drupal is now a rich, rich ecosystem
of creative ventures.  Lot's of things happening.

Here's a peek at where my peers in are at with regard to JSON.  I
wouldn't be any better off than they if I were to get started, but
this is where the JSON feed fits in.

That's an issue for the feeds module, as the parser is used to parse
the input and enter it into the db through the feeds 'interface'.
Then whatever other modules take care of mapping, display, whatever.

jquery and jquery-ui ship with the drupal-7 core, now, so, yeh.

I told Michael that I'm interested in figuring out a way to create a
Drupal drafting solution.  Working with Owne the last 3 months has
really sparked my interest in being able to markup long documents with
more structure, like section S.11.45.777 in a bill, to compare that
section against the same section in a new proposal for example, where
both also have a unique id for that field and the section.  That's
where I'm focused right now, anticipating our renewed discussion about
drafting and the interplay of drafting environments and the slick
cascade at some point.
> Conseo


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