[MG] Visualization problems for crossforum theatre

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Tue Jan 4 13:04:50 EST 2011

Thomas von der Elbe wrote:
> Conseo or Mike, can you please briefly explain what information
> exactly the difference feed shows! Something like: user X compared
> position a and position b of poll p at time t?

That's pretty much it.  Except it's always tied to a particular
discussion post in which a difference is being discussed.  Last Conseo
and I spoke, I think we agreed that each bite of the diff feed will

 a) Post URL, e.g.:


 b) Short tweet-like summary of the post

    Hey Thomas, (sorry for the delay) | I made the terminology changes
    ("namegiver", "donation") that we agreed to previously.

 c) Difference URL


 d) URLs of the two texts:


 e) Poll ID


Much else can be derived from this, of course, including the geolocals
that we'll need for the geomap.  So there can be lots more info on the
theatre screen, depending on what map view the user has dialed up.

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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