[MG] Clearing entry paths for new users

Thomas von der Elbe ThomasvonderElbe at gmx.de
Mon Feb 14 03:12:31 EST 2011

On Mon, 14 Feb 2011 5:27, Michael Allan wrote:
>          (1)          (2)
>          -->           -->
>    List       Bridge       Wiki
>          <--<--
>          (4)          (3)

I like very much, what you propose, Mike! The easier it is to move 
between the three places the better.

I didnt know, that it is possible to have the wiki also show the diffs 
and have links to and from them. But if this is true, the only function 
left exclusivly for the diff-bridge is patching then. Couldnt this also 
be done with the wiki?

For the future I'm beginning to see the diff-bridge, the position-pages 
and the theatre (down in closest zoom) as one: You zoom down to a poll, 
see all the positions of that poll, some are structured in delegation 
trees ... Zoom one step closer and the positions in the view are now 
represented by little summaries. Then you choose two of them and zoom 
closer again. Now you see both full positions side by side and diffs are 
highlighted and linked to posts in lists etc. (Ofc you can also hide the 
diffs and look at the plain positions.) Patch-buttons also appear in 
case your draft is one of the two. Now you have the choice to zoom one 
last step and look at a single draft or to be shown the diffs between 
the two only (with all their buttons).

Isnt this how it should be in the end? Now I'm aware that with our 
limited ressources we have to make compromises for now. But is it 
possible, to have the diff-bridge completely in the background and do 
all the rest with the wiki? Otherwise lets do it as you propose!


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