[MG] Priorities for crossforum theatre

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Mon Feb 7 12:06:32 EST 2011

> > BTW - Conseo's feed is now visible, running test data:
> > http://metagovernment.tuxfamily.org/crossforum/#c=DG
Thomas von der Elbe wrote:
> Wow, thats beautiful! Very cool!
> Now, I clicked on a particular diff, to learn more about it, and
> maybe follow its link ... but it was quite hard to catch it :-D

It just keeps on flying down the screen, no stopping it.  The dummy
feed does the same.

> I quess its always like this, as soon as something works, people
> want more. I think some control over the feed would be good. But how
> could this be done? Like in a music/video player:
> rewind-play-pause-fastforeward? Or maybe just pause the whole show,
> if one event gets clicked and then go on from there again with a
> play-button?

It may helpful to get our hands on real feed data.  Then we can be
sure we aren't fixing problems that are artifacts of a simulation.
Live streams aren't likely to move so fast, not at first.  I guess
when they do, we'll have cause to celebrate.  :-)

> Its getting more and more exciting!

It seems we need live data, more than anything.  Free-range drafting
can give us that in spades, if we want it.  So that's covered.

The diff/yak feed is nearly ready to go live.  C's box is down so I
couldn't pull his latest code, but it's on track for delivery.

I think we need a map with a living structure.  A geomap has
recognition value (agree with Ed) but it's more useful when it's
heavily populated with users.  We probably need a social map that's
structured by live votes.  That'll be interesting even in small
groups, especially to newcomers.  Maybe we can do something fast on
that front?  Isn't that the next priority?

Fire up live discussion and drafting in one or more forums, then give
it an over-arching visualization in the theatre.  If it works even
approximately, then it ought to attract users and developers.  In that
sense, the usability problems might solve themselves.

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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