[MG] Ease of entry

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Tue Apr 5 10:05:40 EDT 2011

Sorry Thomas, I didn't mean to jump into my suit.
I answer some below:

Thomas von der Elbe wrote:
> The problem was described several times by you too. The problem is
> the little space available for the nav-thing. With more space, the
> names could be longer, co-voters could be displayed too, maybe a
> draft-button could be beside each name ...

Intuition tells me the problem (which we can avoid for now) is best
solved outside of any particular drafting medium.  It might not be
clear how that is possible, but I think crossforum theatre will take
us a step in that direction, even if it doesn't go the full distance.
So we'll be better positioned to revisit this in the future, as you

> And I felt it would be good to be able to hover over "My" and see my
> footings in the text, e.g. in the case, that I am in a different
> tree atm. Again, nothing big, I just thought it would be a small
> improvement with very little cost. And those sorts of little things
> also make it a little bit easier for alpha-testers. But if you
> disagree about the usefulness, lets move on and leave all this for
> later.

Ah, you thought it might show your own footing!  Unfortunately, we
can't easily do that.  It would slow down the page loads when
navigating the tree because you'd always be ploughing into uncached
diffs.  It would also generate too many (approaching N factorial)
diffs in the cache.  Solutions are possible, but they are complicated
to consider.  So again, I agree it's best to postpone the issue.


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