Natural and social structures of human autonomy and their technical mediation

Michael Allan mike at
Wed Nov 3 01:56:49 EDT 2010

>      From 2.2 and 2.6, therefore:
> 2.7. That aspect of Nature that “enables the most radical autonomy”
>      is an aspect of ourselves.  The limits of light speed and the
>      distance between stars must be considered a part of what we
>      are.

Taking the logic another step:

        Moreover, in Hegel's phenomenology:

  2.8.  Thesis and antithesis are symmetrical and logically

        Therefore, if we are to be free and self-determined:

  2.9.  We shall be a part of the stars, particularly in their
        distance and isolation.  In thinking so, our thoughts shall
        belong to the self-consciousness of those stars.

It's not actually *required* that we go about thinking like that.  But
if we did, then it would be correct.  (Unless the argument is flawed

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 647-436-4521

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