streetwikibot and streetwikis setup standart

Philippe Schelte philippe.schelte at
Tue Jan 26 11:51:56 EST 2010

2010/1/26 Michael Allan <mike at>

> Arguments sound like a good idea:
>  * No setup required (if no config file needed)
>  * You can call it repeatedly (e.g. from another script), with
>   different arguments for each call

ok that is a good argument :)

> There's an option on the Special:Export page for that:

I was thinking of that of course...

I was surprised that export isn't included here:
> (I wish I looked like that guy.  That's how a programmer should
>  look. ;^)

I also found this lib, and curiously bots in the wikimedia world are rather
used for edition purpose than backup. We can understand this because most of
wiki admins ca backup their wiki by a write right access way.

> Backup one page at a time, each in a separate file, like
> NAMESPACE/PAGE?  Then I guess you set the modtime of the file to the
> revision time.  (But we don't need this, yet.  I wouldn't code it.)

It was my first attempt to backup pages by pages, but I thought that the
restore process would be too difficult to manage if it has to be done
manually, so I found logical and obvious to do a one file backup.
With MediaWiki::API there is no way to just check the timestamp of a page,
it makes you download all the page, it is no sense to download all the pages
in order to check if we must backup each or not.
I have search the possibility to get the list of the last modified pages,
put MediaWiki only provides the recent changes, there is things to explore
this way, but as you said, lets keep this aside for later.

> > lets go for the version 1.1 !
> Command-line arguments like "--namespace=NAMESPACE" and
> "--revision=current|all", would make it nearly perfect. :^)
> Here's examples of option handling:

I have already implemented the Getopt::Std with this kind of arguments I
think that is sufficient isn't it ?
by this way we can cumulate several namespace in the same backup.

./ -u -n 10,102 -p 500 -t 20 -l 0

We're now thinking of using Referata for pollwikis, too.  So there
> should be lots of work for bots like this.



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